Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #57979, comment 4

Jan 29, 2019, 6:58:33 AM (6 years ago)
mojca (Mojca Miklavec)


  • Ticket #57979, comment 4

    initial v1  
    11Thanks for reporting, but I have absolutely no idea what to do, other than perhaps deleting the file and uploading a modified archive somewhere else, but I don't really like that. If this problem is not widespread (I suspect we would have had more reports earlier), maybe I can show you how to make a workaround on your computer? I could upload a modified tarball somewhere (assuming you are unable to do that at your computer anyway) and you would just change the checksums in the portfile, update perl from there and the rest should work.
    3 I would heavily advise you to complain at McAfee. They need to fix such cases. When it's a false alarm, it shouldn't be the downstream project that need to fix stuff, but the one who reported that false positive.
     3I would heavily advise you to complain at McAfee. They need to fix such cases. When it's a false alarm, it shouldn't be the downstream project that needs to fix stuff, but the one who reported that false positive (i.e. virus scanner).
    5 I would have deleted the file from MacPorts, but If the problem is triggered immediately after extracting the file, I strongly suspect that this will not really help you either, as it would come too late. Please attach some lugs, just in case.
     5I would have deleted the file from MacPorts, but If the problem is triggered immediately after extracting the file, I strongly suspect that this will not really help you either, as it would come too late. Please attach some logs, just in case.