Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #58142

Feb 28, 2019, 7:03:24 PM (6 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Your transcript shows that youtube-dl had already been successfully installed prior to you running sudo port install youtube-dl this time. It also shows that for some reason physfs is considered broken, and rebuilding it required cmake, which was unable to be configured for some reason.

/usr/bin/java is part of macOS and is always there, even if Java is not installed. If Java is installed, /usr/bin/java runs it; if not, it displays the dialog box you encountered.

Please attach the main.log file mentioned in the transcript so that we can see what the problem was. I don't think cmake requires Java (it didn't used to), so it might be something else.


  • Ticket #58142

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Summary changed from Trying to install youtube-dl raises an alert panel saying I need to install Java, which I have done to cmake: Alert panel appears saying I need to install Java (which I have done), then fails
    • Property Keywords youtube-dl java removed
    • Property Milestone changed from MacPorts 2.6.0 to
    • Property Owner set to michaelld
    • Property Port cmake added
  • Ticket #58142 – Description

    initial v2  
    11Per the transcript below, when I try to install youtube-dl, at the point where "Configuring cmake" appears, a panel appears onscreen telling me I need to install Java for the java command-line tool. I have done this, and the error continues to appear. If I enter the command "which java", it replies: "/usr/bin/java", so it appears to be installed.
    34% sudo port install youtube-dl
    45--->  Computing dependencies for youtube-dl
    1718Error: rev-upgrade failed: Error rebuilding physfs
    1819Error: Follow to report a bug.