Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #59968, comment 3

Jan 16, 2020, 4:21:18 AM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #59968, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign]:
    2 > Never heard of it :) but presumably it would be possible to create a portfile for it.
    3 >
    4 > But they do seem to have nicely packaged macOS downloads already available on their web site. In what way are those not satisfactory?
    5 The packages you mention are all shipped with versions of glm, glfw, boost and other libraries that are already available through MP. The duplicates provided in the libcinder packages just waste space.
    7 It's also a hassle (at least for me) to configure XCode.
    9 I first learned to program using the command line on SPARC machines back in the late 90s and again using Visual Studio in the early 2000s. Currently learning modern C++ through Lynda and that explains how to configure Eclipse to point to a gcc install that anyone can get from the compiler's website. Figuring out how to make it work with MP GCC was simple. XCode feels a lot more complicated than any of those. I was presented with a bunch of errors I knew nothing about when opening a sample cinder project for the first time.
    10 \\
    11 \\
    13 >How does using them require you to use Xcode? And how would offering it in MacPorts avoid that requirement?
    14 All the sample code projects (and tutorials on are based on viewing the source with XCode. An MP port would allow for getting right to the source in one's IDE of choice or straight from the command line.
    16 It appears the cinder code was written against XCode 5 and has not been updated since. I'll let you see for yourself when trying to open a sample cinder project what happens. My XCode install is more or less in the default state since I installed it. XCode had to switch to ARC mode (damned if I know what that is) to get the code to run.And I was presented with messages about internationalization/localization.I could find anything right away about how to get the .xib or NSBundle files (I'm not even sure that's what's needed) nor did I immediately see where they need to be placed for XCode to be "localized"/internationalized." It should not be that hard to get sample code to work.
    19 I've been wasting more time in the new year installing/configuring/filing tickets that I have spent learning and doing what I need these tools for in the first place.
    21 Sorry for the rant