Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #60348, comment 1

Apr 13, 2020, 5:14:43 PM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #60348, comment 1

    initial v1  
    33At present, libc++ , clang, llvm, etc only work on Intel systems. I'm working on PPC with some other interested parties, but for now, you can't use PPC with the llvm infrastructure. So you need to set your "universal arches" in ${prefix}/etc/macports/macports.conf to "i386 x86_64" for this to work.
    5 Then you have to follow the instructions step-by-step in LibcxxOnOlderSystems, as this process is not automated for MacPorts to do this automatically. Basically, you use the system tools to build newer cctools and ld64, then build clang-3.4. Then you set your setup to use libcxx as per the instructions, and build clang-3.7. Then you use clang-3.7 to build clang-5.0 or greater. And finally, you use clang-5.0 or greater to rebuild libcxx with the +emulated_tls variant, and you are in business.
     5Then you have to follow the instructions step-by-step in LibcxxOnOlderSystems, as this process is not automated for MacPorts to do this automatically. Basically, you use the system tools to build newer cctools and ld64, then build clang-3.4. Then clang-3.4 is used to build libcxx. Then you set your setup to use libcxx as per the instructions, and build clang-3.7. Then you use clang-3.7 to build clang-5.0 or greater. And finally, you use clang-5.0 or greater to rebuild libcxx with the +emulated_tls variant, and you are in business.
    77MacPorts is not currently set up properly to use Leopard configured with libc++ using the default base options, so you need to override these default base options by setting you compiler list manually in macports.conf, as per the instructions.