Changes between Initial Version and Version 5 of Ticket #60714

Jun 26, 2020, 3:01:48 AM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Two of the three SSDs I bought for the buildbot hardware in 2016 have failed this year, so completely that the data on them could not be recovered. The third is well past its life expectancy and will undoubtedly fail soon too.

I bought one replacement SSD of a newer model to test it out. It's working fine. (The 10.7, 10.10 and 10.13 buildbot workers are on this disk.) I will buy two more SSDs soon.

Of the 7 buildbot virtual machines that went offline as a result of the SSD failures, 6 have already been brought back online (some on the new SSD, some temporarily on hard disks); the 10.12 builder is the last one to get back online (until the third SSD fails, at which point we'll have 3 more to deal with, but I've taken recent complete backups of them so restoring them should be simple).


  • Ticket #60714

    • Property Cc ryandesign added
  • Ticket #60714 – Description

    initial v5  
    33Binaries 'rust-1.44.0_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2', 'rust-1.44.0_0.darwin_17.x86_64.tbz2', 'rust-1.44.0_0.darwin_18.x86_64.tbz2', and 'rust-1.44.0_0.darwin_19.x86_64.tbz2' all exist (plus their respective checksum files), but a Darwin 16 variant does not. (Though said binary ''does'' exist, for earlier Rust versions.)
    5 Based on the various build info I've reviewed, it doesn't appear that the 10.12 compilation failed for 1.44.0_0. Nor could I find any applicable bugs, apart from - which involves building Rust from source, on macOS Yosemite.
     5Based on the various build info I've reviewed, it doesn't appear that the 10.12 compilation failed for 1.44.0_0. Nor could I find any applicable bugs, apart from #60670 - which involves building Rust from source, on macOS Yosemite.
    77Is something failing in the build or publish, that's preventing the binary from being copied and mirrored? Or is there something else I'm missing?