13 | | - glow |
14 | | - uni |
15 | | - yq |
16 | | - krew |
17 | | - fzf |
18 | | - chezmoi |
19 | | - gotop |
20 | | - pulumi |
21 | | - k9s |
22 | | - up |
23 | | - istioctl (due to #61184) |
24 | | - certigo |
25 | | - wtfutil |
26 | | - cloudmonkey |
27 | | - kubergrunt (already reported in #61185) |
28 | | - terragrunt |
29 | | - hugo |
30 | | - micro |
31 | | - elvish |
32 | | - trivy |
33 | | - aws-vault |
34 | | - annie |
35 | | - mole |
36 | | - scw |
37 | | - croc |
38 | | - ipfs |
39 | | - rclone |
40 | | - syncthing |
41 | | - evans |
42 | | - gitqlite |
43 | | - kustomize |
44 | | - webify |
45 | | - newreleases |
46 | | - go-migrate |
47 | | - golangci-lint |
48 | | - tektoncd-cli |
49 | | - gore |
50 | | - copilot |
51 | | - jenkins-cli |
52 | | - staticcheck |
53 | | - grpcurl |
| 13 | ||= port =||= maintainer =||= status =|| |
| 14 | ||annie||@l2dy,openmaintainer|||| |
| 15 | ||aws-vault||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 16 | ||certigo||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 17 | ||chezmoi||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 18 | ||cloudmonkey||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 19 | ||copilot||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 20 | ||croc||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 21 | ||elvish||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 22 | ||evans||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 23 | ||fzf||@cardi,openmaintainer|||| |
| 24 | ||gitqlite||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 25 | ||glow||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 26 | ||go-migrate||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 27 | ||golangci-lint||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 28 | ||gore||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 29 | ||gotop||@i0ntempest,openmaintainer|||| |
| 30 | ||grpcurl||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 31 | ||hugo||@cardi,openmaintainer|||| |
| 32 | ||ipfs||@sirn,openmaintainer|||| |
| 33 | ||istioctl||@nickolaev,openmaintainer||due to #61184|| |
| 34 | ||jenkins-cli||@harens,openmaintainer|||| |
| 35 | ||k9s||@breun,openmaintainer|||| |
| 36 | ||krew||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 37 | ||kubergrunt||@herbygillot,openmaintainer||#61185|| |
| 38 | ||kustomize||@breun,openmaintainer|||| |
| 39 | ||micro||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 40 | ||mole||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 41 | ||newreleases||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 42 | ||pulumi||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 43 | ||rclone||@eborisch,openmaintainer|||| |
| 44 | ||scw||@dgsb,openmaintainer|||| |
| 45 | ||staticcheck||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 46 | ||syncthing||@lbschenkel,openmaintainer|||| |
| 47 | ||tektoncd-cli||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 48 | ||terragrunt||@mjrc,openmaintainer|||| |
| 49 | ||trivy||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 50 | ||uni||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 51 | ||up||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 52 | ||webify||@harens,openmaintainer|||| |
| 53 | ||wtfutil||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |
| 54 | ||yq||@herbygillot,openmaintainer|||| |