Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #61397, comment 11

Nov 2, 2020, 9:42:32 PM (4 years ago)
ensafi (Alex (Eskandar) Ensafi)


  • Ticket #61397, comment 11

    v1 v2  
    1515> }}}
    17 So libepoxy installed on its own without any xorg dependencies, but gimp2 still tried to pull in xorg libraries via mesa.  The real culprit is mesa, it seems, and I'm not sure why the dependency hierarchy showed libepoxy <- mesa <- xorg-* unless I did not interpret it correctly.  In any case, I simply can't install gimp2 without triggering several xorg libraries.  At least it's not the whole xorg display server, so I can live with it, but something's not right with gimp2's dependency on mesa in native (i.e. +quartz +no_x11) mode.
     17So libepoxy installed on its own without any xorg dependencies, but gimp2 still tried to pull in xorg libraries via mesa.  The real culprit is mesa, it seems, and I'm not sure why the dependency hierarchy showed libepoxy <- mesa <- xorg-* unless I did not interpret it correctly.  In any case, I simply can't install gimp2 without triggering several xorg libraries.  At least it's not the whole xorg display server, so I can live with it, but something's not right with gimp2's dependency on mesa in native macOS -x11 +no_x11 +quartz mode.