Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #61721, comment 17

Dec 3, 2020, 1:04:02 AM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #61721, comment 17

    initial v1  
    11if you have patches prepared, please do post them here. This may be the last version of wine that runs on 10.6.8, and someone is sure to need it.
    3 Ryan is preparing a new version of wine for eventual use. For now, I use the wine you can download from -- an interested MacPorts user who has updated the wine ports to the 5.x versions, build binaries with MacPorts, and uses those to publish to homebrew as casks. So the only way you can get a current MacPorts' installed wine right now is to install it with homebrew... which is kinda hilarious, but that is life as they say.
     3Ryan is preparing a new version of wine for eventual use. For now, I use the wine you can download from -- an interested MacPorts user who has updated the wine ports to the 5.x versions, built binaries with MacPorts, and uses those to publish to homebrew as casks. So the only way you can get a current MacPorts' installed wine right now is to install it with homebrew... which is kinda hilarious, but that is life as they say.
    55I'm running it right now on Catalina -- (but I just installed the binary, not with homebrew).