Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62027, comment 5

Jan 11, 2021, 3:12:54 AM (4 years ago)
ctreleaven (Craig Treleaven)


  • Ticket #62027, comment 5

    initial v1  
    11Interesting.  I would guess that you installed from the all-in-one installer and are therefore running Myth under Rosetta2 emulation.  First report I've heard of that.
    3 I'm not sure what the status is on qt5 on Apple silicon.  I think it might be best to send a query to the macports-dev mailing list, copying the qt5 maintainers, and ask what the plan is to bring Qt up.  I did notice that Qt6 was released recently.  The indication was that Qt6 was not a major departure from Qt5 so maybe it won't be hard to add to MacPorts.  OTOH, Qt is massive, complicated suite of software and making it work in a MacPorts-context has been far from trivial.
     3I'm not sure what the status is on qt5 on Apple silicon.  I think it might be best to send a query to the macports-dev mailing list, copying the qt5 maintainers, and ask what the plan is to bring Qt up.  I did notice that Qt6 was released recently.  The indication was that Qt6 was not a major departure from Qt5 so maybe it won't be hard to add to MacPorts.  OTOH, Qt is a massive, complicated suite of software and making it work in a MacPorts-context has been far from trivial.
    55Please feel free to contact me directly at my address if you'd like to discuss further.