Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62257, comment 3

Feb 12, 2021, 10:01:41 AM (4 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #62257, comment 3

    initial v1  
    1 10.6 x86_64 is back up and working through the backlog of builds. CCC was able to clone most of the files. A couple dozen could not be read. One was a file installed in /opt/bblocal by a port; deactivating and reactivating the port brought the file back. Another was part of the git clone of base; I deleted the clone; it will be recreated automatically next time a base commit comes in. The remaining unreadable files were various MacPorts .tbz2 archives; I uninstalled those ports; they will be reinstalled automatically when needed.
     110.6 x86_64 is back up and working through the backlog of builds. CCC 3.5.7 was able to clone most of the files. A couple dozen could not be read. One was a file installed in /opt/bblocal by a port; deactivating and reactivating the port brought the file back. Another was part of the git clone of base; I deleted the clone; it will be recreated automatically next time a base commit comes in. The remaining unreadable files were various MacPorts .tbz2 archives; I uninstalled those ports; they will be reinstalled automatically when needed.