Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #62309, comment 17

Feb 17, 2021, 9:38:56 PM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #62309, comment 17

    v1 v2  
    11I think -- looking at your logs -- a lot of your trouble is that many things are trying to build {{{+universal}}} on your BigSur M1 system.
    3 I have in fact fixed a lot of ports to build +universal on a BigSur arm64 system, but not all of them. And some of them I fixed, but the fixes are not quite "perfect" in some way, so they are not accepted. So they therefore stay broken until someone else comes up with a perfect fix, if they ever do.
    5 Building +universal on BigSur arm64 should be easy, and one day it probably will be, but right now it is not 100% easy.
     3I have in fact fixed a lot of ports to build +universal on a BigSur arm64 system, but not all of them.
    75You can see what you have installed +universal now with the usual command:
    12 IF there is a way, try to build things without +universal for now.
     10If there is a way, try to build things without +universal for now.
    14 If something really really really is needed, and really really really can only be had +universal, then you have a problem. Some kind soul, like me, will have to fix it for you.
     12If something is really needed, and can only be had +universal, then you have a problem. Some kind soul will have to fix it for you.
    16 And -- if it was me and I needed some super duper software package "Right Now" on my M1 Apple system... I would just install a parallel second MacPorts in {{{/opt/Intel}}} on my M1 Mac and set the {{{build_arch}}} to {{{x86_64}}}.
     14If I needed a particular software package on an M1 Apple system, but it could not be made universal, I would install a second MacPorts in {{{/opt/Intel}}} and set the {{{build_arch}}} to {{{x86_64}}}.
    18 But that is beyond the scope of what I'm prepared to deal with in this ticket. Perhaps someone else will write up a Wiki page for you about how that it done.
     16But that is beyond the scope of this ticket.