Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62338, comment 5

Feb 21, 2021, 6:00:16 AM (4 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #62338, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 Don't think so, Bailey. This is not breaking any packages.
     1I don't think so, Bailey. The fact that base falls back to MacOSX.sdk is not (as far as I can see) breaking any packages.
    3  Nothing wrong with base -- it's correctly telling you that MacOSX11.2.sdk doesn't exist.
     3And there's nothing wrong with base -- it's correctly telling you that MacOSX11.2.sdk doesn't exist, even though the message sounds rather ominious.
    5 It should tell you that all is OK, and it's falling back to MacOS.sdk.... and not a message that looks so "broken". But that is something that is unlikely to be changed, because those who wrote it feel the message is right as it is (or would have changed it already).
     5Base should perhaps tell you that all is OK, that it's falling back to MacOS.sdk.... and not a message that makes everything look so "broken". But that is something that is unlikely to be changed, because those who wrote it feel the message is the right signal to send as it is (or it would have been changed already).
     7If you feel that your issue is not that python38 does not build on universal on BigSur, and especially if you have some log or demonstration thereof, please 100% open this ticket back up with some info.
     9Otherwise it's best if we follow it along in the ticket we have open for that issue already, I think, to keep all the information in one place about it.