Changes between Version 1 and Version 3 of Ticket #62345

Feb 22, 2021, 5:10:24 AM (4 years ago)


  • Ticket #62345

    • Property Port qhull maybe - it's not clear removed
    • Property Summary changed from Error installing py39-matplotlib or one of its dependencies (possibly qhull) on new machine to Not prompted to agree to xcode license when installing py39-matplotlib
  • Ticket #62345 – Description

    v1 v3  
     1I had a confusing issue when trying to install `py39-matplotlib` and its dependencies on a fresh macports install on a new machine. You can see my report below, which was written when I didn't understand the reason for the issue.
     3The issue was revealed when running `sudo port install python39` - in that case I was prompted to agree to the xcode user license, and everything worked. However, I had originally tried to run `sudo port install py39-matplotlib` instead, since I knew I would want to use matplotlib and numpy as well as Python. In that case I wasn't prompted to agree to the license, and instead got a mysterious error message that told me to submit a report without revealing what the problem was.
     5So the issue is about error reporting - the xcode license error should be displayed when trying to install Python as a dependency, rather than just when trying to install the Python port directly.
     9Here is my original report. For the resolution see my comment below.
    111I have installed macports on a new* machine running macos 10.15.7 Catalina. I am trying to install py39-matplotlib and its dependencies (which of course include Python and numpy). I am getting the error message below.