Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62468, comment 31

Mar 17, 2021, 3:53:47 PM (4 years ago)
steven-michaud (Steven Michaud)


  • Ticket #62468, comment 31

    initial v1  
    11Thanks for the offer to make me a port maintainer, but I'm going to decline it. I'm retired :-) I don't want to shoulder that kind of burden. However, I'm happy to report any more problems I find, and to fix them if possible.
    3 My current interest in MacPorts is to work up a replacement for Apple's late and lamented macOS/OS X Server. It actually still exists, but only as a pale ghost of what it used to be. As of macOS 10.14 (Mojave) it no longer supports the services that most people want -- things like mail, web service, dns and dhcp. I've run OS X Server for many years, but now it's getting very long in the tooth, and doesn't run on current versions of macOS. I figured that if I based my implementation on MacPorts, it'd be much easier to keep it up to date.
     3My current interest in MacPorts is to work up a replacement for Apple's late and lamented macOS/OS X Server. It actually still exists, but only as a pale ghost of what it used to be. As of macOS 10.14 (Mojave) it no longer supports the services that most people want -- things like mail, web service, dns and dhcp. I've run OS X Server for many years, but now it's getting very long in the tooth, and doesn't run on current versions of macOS. I figured that if I based my replacement on MacPorts, it'd be much easier to keep it up to date.
    55This replacement is just for my own use. But if it goes well I might create a Github project to describe how I implemented it.