Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #62548, comment 4

Mar 27, 2021, 8:07:07 AM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #62548, comment 4

    v1 v2  
    22> remove muniversal and get single-step universal building working, but that may be a much bigger undertaking.
    4 It was pretty easy, once I knew what was going on, to fix it for 10.15+ -- took 5 minutes.
     4It was quite simple, once I knew what was going on, to fix a multiarch build for 10.15+ -- 5 minutes, as above. It becomes a 5-line build, and it builds fine with multiple arch flags if the libraries are the same depth (and does not run any binaries during configure)
    6 However, you will need to build it separately and lipo together for 32bit + 64bit libraries. I would have finished that off but ran into headwinds.
     6However, you will need to build it twice and lipo together for 32bit + 64bit libraries. Using the muniversal PG just on older systems <10.14 would do it. The proper flag to force the library bit depth is {{{--with-library-bits=64}}} or {{{--with-library-bits=32}}}.
    8 Most likely using the muniversal PG just on < 10.14 would do it. And the proper flag to force 32bit libraries is a configure arg now.
    10 And -- personally -- I would split icu58 off into a different port, to simplify things greatly in the Portfile.
     8And -- personally -- I would probably split icu58 off into it's own port, to simplify things in the Portfile, roll the docs into a variant, and get rid of {{{icu-lx}}} as is has no dependents and upstream recommends {{{harfbuzz}}} anyway.