Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62578, comment 27

Nov 1, 2021, 1:38:57 PM (3 years ago)
reneeotten (Renee Otten)


  • Ticket #62578, comment 27

    initial v1  
    44> Are you folks able to provide a formal fix for this?
    6 I started to look into this and the environment variable I suggested in an earlier comment (or some variant thereof) should work; I'll try to come up with a solution to exclude MKL unless specifically requested. Having said that, this is a rather old issue with very few comments so I guess not many people run into this... so I don't think there is this much of a time rush as you're making it sound ;)
     6I started to look into this and the environment variable I suggested in an earlier comment (or some variant thereof) should work; I'll try to come up with a solution to exclude MKL unless specifically requested. Having said that, this is a rather old issue with very few comments so I guess not many people run into this... so I don't think there is this much of a time rush as you're making it sound ;) It will. not be an issue for most probably because they don't build from source and the builds from the buildbot will not link to MKL as it isn't installed there.