Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #62994, comment 82

Apr 1, 2024, 11:47:56 PM (6 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)


  • Ticket #62994, comment 82

    initial v1  
    45 On line #9 it first creates the subdirectory and, when successful, changes into it. If it had no success it breaks out of the for loop.
     45On line !#9 it first creates the subdirectory and, when successful, changes into it. If it had no success it breaks out of the for loop.
    47 On line #20 a pointer to the pathname of the last directory created is stored in array cwd. If pathname could not be determined, the NULL pointer is returned. This is tested in the next two lines and the storage for pathname gets cleared (free'd), line #24.
     47On line !#20 a pointer to the pathname of the last directory created is stored in array `cwd`. If pathname could not be determined, the NULL pointer is returned. This is tested in the next two lines and the storage for pathname gets cleared (`free`'d), line !#24.
    49 On line #27 a possibly not existing sub-directory ("confdir-14B---") is removed. Can this work? Does it provoke the report "…: No space left on device"?
     49On line !#27 a possibly not existing sub-directory ("confdir-14B---") is removed. Can this work? Does it provoke the report "…: No space left on device"?
    51 On line #28 starts a while loop in which the current working directory is changed to the parent directory ("..") and if successful the now sub-directory "confdir-14B---" is removed (line #35), otherwise an error is raised and the while loop is quit at one (line #30–33).
     51On line !#28 starts a while loop in which the current working directory is changed to the parent directory ("..") and if successful the now sub-directory "confdir-14B---" is removed (line !#35), otherwise an error is raised and the while loop is quit at one (line !#30–33).
    5353Is my interpretation correct? Which is the test Paul Eggert sees but not me?
    55 IMO `rmdir()` seems to fail. So why not leaving out (patching away) the line #26–36 and doing the clean-up in two steps (mv branch to X, then rm -rf remaining confdir-14B--- and X) with reliable system utilities? There also seems to be difference in the behaviour of `rmdir()`: Inside the MacPorts environment it tends to fail while in some user's environment it seems to succeed?
     55IMO `rmdir()` seems to fail. So why not leaving out (patching away) the line !#26–36 and doing the clean-up in two steps (mv branch to X, then `rm -rf` remaining confdir-14B--- and X) with reliable system utilities? There also seems to be difference in the behaviour of `rmdir()`: Inside the MacPorts environment it tends to fail while in some user's environment it seems to succeed?
    5757I cannot see any reason for a new bug report…