Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #63033, comment 14

Nov 15, 2021, 1:44:24 AM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #63033, comment 14

    v1 v2  
    33Now how much that would or would not happen? Who knows? But that was the reason for caution, at the time.
    5 Now, I have retired all my older Darwin systems and converted them all to Debian or Ubunt, and even the PowerPC G5s can run qt5.13 and all the software that needs it. My Intel systems all run Ubuntu 21.10 at present. So I am not in this game of trying to make these older systems run smoothly, and you can feel free to go ahead with getting your changes into LegacySupport as you wish, if Chris will accept them.
     5Now, I have retired all my older Darwin systems and converted them all to Debian or Ubuntu, and even the PowerPC G5s can run qt5.13 and all the software that needs it. My Intel systems all run Ubuntu 21.10 at present. So I am not in this game of trying to make these older systems run smoothly, and you can feel free to go ahead with getting your changes into LegacySupport as you wish, if Chris will accept them.