Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63455, comment 14

Jan 1, 2022, 1:24:04 AM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #63455, comment 14

    initial v1  
    88So (IMHO) to avoid confusion, you might best revert your "cleanup" and put it back the way I fixed it, so that the first {{{libtool}}} in the path is used, not {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}}, which is the way the other 10,000 ports that use libtool on darwin are set up. Then our proper mechanisms work.
    10 Sure, it should be upstreamed to get them to take out {{{/usr/binlibtool}}} and just use {{{libtool}}} like everyone else. No idea why someone at {{{mysql}}} thought it would be a good idea to force {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}} in the first place -- a misguided attempt to fix something, I suspect.
     10Sure, it should be upstreamed to get them to take out {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}} and just use {{{libtool}}} like everyone else. No idea why someone at {{{mysql}}} thought it would be a good idea to force {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}} in the first place -- a misguided attempt to fix something, I suspect.
    12 There is no need to specifically patch mysql to use {{{${prefix}}}/bin/libtool}}}, as our proper mechanisms will work, and the other 10,000 ports that use libtool are not so patched. It won't break anything, of course, at least not immediately, but it is, in it's own way, as wrong as mysql forcing {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}}. Just use {{{libtool}}} and all will be well.
     12There is no need to specifically patch mysql to use {{{${prefix}/bin/libtool}}}, as our proper mechanisms will work, and the other 10,000 ports that use libtool are not so patched. It won't break anything, of course, at least not immediately, but it is, in it's own way, as wrong as mysql forcing {{{/usr/bin/libtool}}}. Just use {{{libtool}}} and all will be well.
    1414> but that made no difference to this problem.