Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63694, comment 25

Nov 9, 2021, 2:57:36 PM (3 years ago)
Gandoon (Erik Hedlund)


  • Ticket #63694, comment 25

    initial v1  
    55Do you know what might be the issue here though? Because nothing about the Apple originated build system has changed between the build of 0.33.1_1 and now. Something in the updated port must be at fault here rather than a "too new" Xcode. I have tried to dig around myself, but not really been able to pinpoint the exact issue. I suspect something to do with waf (that I know almost nothing about at this point), but both seem to use wav v2.0.22, so I don't know.
     7Also, a small update… the outcome looks remarkably similar to this ticket: [] regarding someones failure to build a slightly earlier version (mpv-0.31.0_0, note the similarity of the log contents, especially at the end).\\
     8The main differences between that build and my build seems to be that Xcode 11.4 and Python 2.7 was used instead of Xcode 12.4 and Python 3.9 in my case, but a few other things were older as well of course, but as I said, I successfully built the previous version of mpv with the present system.