Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63852, comment 4

Nov 8, 2021, 3:40:52 AM (3 years ago)
reneeotten (Renee Otten)


  • Ticket #63852, comment 4

    initial v1  
    1 ah, well it does add the correct include directory for {{{openssl}}} but that one comes after {{{${prefix}/include}}}, so I guess that is the issue here... Likely the order needs to be changes, I don't know from the top of my head how to do that in general, but certainly not with {{{Scons}}}, but perhaps someone else does. For now as a workaround you can build it in trace-mode locally or wait until it's build by the buildbot as there only the {{{openssl11}}} dependency will be installed.
     1ah, well it does add the correct include directory for {{{openssl11}}} but that one comes after {{{${prefix}/include}}}, so I guess that is the issue here... Likely the order needs to be changes, I don't know from the top of my head how to do that in general, but certainly not with {{{Scons}}}, but perhaps someone else does. For now as a workaround you can build it in trace-mode locally or wait until it's build by the buildbot as there only the {{{openssl11}}} dependency will be installed.