Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #63901

Nov 10, 2021, 5:06:53 PM (3 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Yes, these variants are now enabled by default in the python ports.

That does not mean you need to compile them from source. You will receive binaries if they are available.

Due to the mass switch to openssl 3 on Sunday, our build machines have an extreme backlog and may not yet have gotten around to building the python packages with these new variants. That will resolve itself within a few days.

If you wish to install the ports without these variants, you can:

sudo port install python27 -lto -optimizations

If you do this, you will have to compile from source because our build machines only build ports with their default set of variants.


  • Ticket #63901 – Description

    v2 v3  
    1 [Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7]I seem to recollect python27 and python3x installing without the need to compile but I may be wroing. Regardless, any minor version bumps now require yet another lengthy compilation. Furthermore +lto and +optimizations are enabled by default. Since MacPorts Pythons are only installed on my system as deps how can I remove these variant flags?
     1[Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7]I seem to recollect python27 and python3x installing without the need to compile but I may be wroing. Regardless, any minor version bumps now require yet lengthy compilation. Furthermore +lto and +optimizations are enabled by default. Since MacPorts Pythons are only installed on my system as deps how can I remove these variant flags?