Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #63936, comment 5

Nov 13, 2021, 11:52:49 AM (3 years ago)
lbschenkel (Leonardo Brondani Schenkel)


  • Ticket #63936, comment 5

    initial v1  
    33Not a criticism btw, I appreciate the intent to unbreak the port. This is just an announcement so others refrain from working on this until further notice. I'm on it.
    5 I manage to make the port build against openssl3, however I am not convinced it is a good idea to make it the default because the codebase has not really been designed with openssl3 in mind (even 0.22) and there may be regressions only found at runtime. To fully test it I would need to have different kinds of smart cards, which I don't.
     5I managed to make the port build against openssl3, however I am not convinced it is a good idea to make it the default because the codebase has not really been designed with openssl3 in mind (even 0.22) and there may be regressions only found at runtime. To fully test it I would need to have different kinds of smart cards, which I don't.
    77So my plan is to keep building against original openssl by default but make it controllable by a variant so users who want to be on the bleeding edge can build against latest openssl and do some beta testing to check if it actually works.