Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #63953, comment 13

Nov 18, 2021, 2:00:15 AM (3 years ago)
Bachsau (Bachsau)


  • Ticket #63953, comment 13

    v1 v2  
    11This is a very bad attitude. Configuration files are there for a reason: To allow the user to configure things. Otherwise, the changes could just be compiled in. Besides that, on managed multi-user systems (even if that might not be very common for Macs), one can not maintain system defaults in the per-user files, which is why system-wide configuration files exist. A good package manager would not even make this port specific but refrain from overwriting anything in /etc that's different from the previous version's package contents as a general rule. Special handling is not needed. Merging things or saving .dist-files are comfort features that are nice to have, while replacing user-defined configuration files is destructive!
    3 @cjones051073 I expect to have to maintain my changes across updates, but I can't do that, when everything is lost. Additionaly, most software does not require changes to configuration files on every update. Git does not. Compiled-in default rarely change, and git happily accepts even the most ancient of configurations. It just reads what it understands and ignores any settings that might have been removed. The vast majority of users would also not have problems if everything unchanged is updated properly, while for those who do changes, replacing the file definitely DOES break things. Suddenly I accidently commit files to my repos that should be ignored (like "Icon\r"), aliases stop working, and unicode filenames get decomposed. Closing bugs as "wontfix" is just another way of saying: "I don't care and I'm too lazy to work on it."
     3@cjones051073 I expect to have to maintain my changes across updates, but I can't do that, when everything is lost. Additionaly, most software does not require changes to configuration files on every update. Git does not. Compiled-in defaults rarely change, and git happily accepts even the most ancient of configurations. It just reads what it understands and ignores any settings that might have been removed. The vast majority of users would also not have problems if everything unchanged is updated properly, while for those who do changes, replacing the file definitely DOES break things. Suddenly I accidently commit files to my repos that should be ignored (like "Icon\r"), aliases stop working, and unicode filenames get decomposed. Closing bugs as "wontfix" is just another way of saying: "I don't care and I'm too lazy to work on it."