Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #64142, comment 10

Dec 16, 2021, 1:03:44 AM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #64142, comment 10

    v1 v2  
    33What confused me in the Macports Guide were the terms git and Github. In my view, the documentation should make it clear that the term `git` DOES NOT include a repo on ``. (I am sure that experienced developers who use `git` and `Github` would not confuse the two. But that is not the case for `git` newbies). And unfortunately, the capabilities of is more limited than a local git repo (as I just discovered).  e.g One cannot amend a commit on without amending the commit on a local git repo and pushing the changes to 
    5 For Macports Pull Requests, it looks like one needs to clone the Macports GitHub repo to a local git repo on their own Mac, make a branch, make changes, commit, rebase etc and then make a Pull Request (PR) from the branch of the local git repo to the Macport Github site. And optionally one can push one's changes from the local git repo to one's personal repo (which was presumably forked or cloned from the Macports GitHub repo earlier).
     5For Macports Pull Requests, it looks like the following is the best workflow:
     71. If this has not been done before, fork the Macports GitHub repo (which will create an identical repo on one's personal GitHub website).
     92. Clone your personal GitHub repo to a local git repo located on their own Mac. 
     113. Using the local git repo, make a branch, makes changes to files in the branch (or add files to the branch), test the port, commit the changes to the local git repo, rebase if needed to reduce the number of commits etc.
     134.  Push one's changes from the local git repo to one's personal repo. 
     155.  Make a Pull Request (PR) from the branch of one's personal GitHub repo to the Macports Github site.
    717The Macports Guide does not mention using `git commit --amend` on the local git repo and a force PR for future small changes but I agree that is a wise approach to minimize the number of commits that you need to deal with.  I will get the hang of it for future contributions to Macports.