Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #64142, comment 2

Dec 6, 2021, 1:57:39 PM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #64142, comment 2

    v2 v3  
    99I will also remove the LICENSE file.  I was not sure what the policy was for license files in Macports.  Normally, when one distributes GPL-2 source, one also provides a copy of the GPL-2 license with the distribution or a link to the GPL-2 license on the web to be fully compliant with the GPL-2 license.  I may patch COPYING and add a link to the GPL-2 license.  That will not add much to the size of the file.
     11I will also update the port using github portGroup since I need to learn how to do that.  (I doubt it will make a practical difference in the end since the source has not been updated since 2006 and from my experience is still bug free).
    1113For many years, I have always installed `ntpstat` on all my Linux PC's.  I provides a simple summary of ntp.  You could get the same info by running two commands `ntpq -p` and `sntp` and parsing the output.  But `ntpstat` is simpler.  (There are very few software programs for ntp).  If you do not think there is any value in adding `ntpstat` to Macports at this time, that is fine.  I have a working port for `ntpstat` on my local Macports repo that I can use.  I was sharing the port in case others wanted to install `ntpstat` via Macports.