Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Ticket #64142, comment 3

Dec 6, 2021, 2:54:38 PM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #64142, comment 3

    v7 v8  
    11P.S.  I just discovered another program with the same name `ntpstat`.  Unlike the original `ntpstat` which was written in C and did not rely on `ntpq`, the newer `ntpstat` is a shell script which prints the ntpd or chronyd synchronisation status, using the `ntpq` or `chronyc` program. See See
    3 It emulates the original `ntpstat` program written in C by G. Richard Keech, which implemented a subset of the mode 6 ntp message protocol supported by `ntpd`.  But please note that it has an additional dependency that the original `ntpstat` did not have.  It requires `gawk` (at least on older Macs where `awk` is pretty limited.  I had to patch the original script replacing `awk` with `gawk` everywhere to make the newer `ntpstat` work on my older Macs).
     3It emulates the original `ntpstat` program written in C by G. Richard Keech, which implemented a subset of the mode 6 ntp control message protocol supported by `ntpd`.  But please note that it has an additional dependency that the original `ntpstat` did not have.  It requires `gawk` (at least on older Macs where `awk` is pretty limited.  I had to patch the original script replacing `awk` with `gawk` everywhere to make the newer `ntpstat` work on my older Macs).
    5 Another downside to the newer `ntpstat` program -- it is NOT fully POSIX shell (sh) compatible.  It would have been better if the newer `ntpstat` used NTP mode 6 control messages protocol directly to `ntpd` (e.g.via C functions), like the original `ntpstat` program did, instead of using `ntpq` in "raw" mode . (see  But that is a lot more work and the ntp control message protocol is obscure.
     5Another downside to the newer `ntpstat` program -- it is NOT fully POSIX shell (sh) compatible.  It would have been better if the newer `ntpstat` used the NTP mode 6 control message protocol directly to `ntpd` (e.g.via C functions), like the original `ntpstat` program did, instead of using `ntpq` in "raw" mode . (see  But that is a lot more work and the ntp control message protocol is obscure.
    77On the bright side,  unlike the original `ntpstat` program, the newer `ntpstat` supports not only ntp but also chronyc.  It is also still being developed.