Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #64229, comment 16

Dec 19, 2021, 12:11:05 AM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #64229, comment 16

    initial v1  
    66To be honest, I have very rarely tried building anything as PPC on my 10.6.8 Intel system; I think I might have only done it once or twice as a test for some "hello_world.c" program many years ago. So I am no expert in cross compiling to PPC from 10.6.8 Intel, for sure!
    8 I did use the cross compiling more on 10.5 Leopard Intel, when I had dreams of a working llvm/clang on 10.5 PPC. And of course, it works quite reliably there, at least for the Apple gcc compilers. None of the MacPorts-installed gcc compilers can cross compile as we install them. The clang/llvms can cross compile to PPC, but the binaries have an incorrect Darwin PowerPC ABI layout and so are ultimately broken.
     8I did use the cross compiling more on 10.5 Leopard Intel, when I had dreams of a working llvm/clang on 10.5 PPC. And of course, it works quite reliably there, at least for the Apple gcc compilers. None of the usual MacPorts-installed gcc compilers can cross compile as we install them (although there are some gccs in macports that specifically do cross-compile to other systems). The clang/llvms can cross compile to PPC, but the binaries have an incorrect Darwin PowerPC ABI layout and so are ultimately broken.
    1010You can make your own gcc cross-compiler on Leopard easily, however. I have done that several times.