Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #64294, comment 9

Dec 28, 2021, 5:39:57 PM (3 years ago)
kencu (Ken)


  • Ticket #64294, comment 9

    v2 v3  
    55Some people try making a symlink from the new version to the old. This is nutty, as it won’t work reliably.
    7 debian and other linux distros often leave behind the old library version, so nothing needs urgent rebuilding, but then builds gradually get rebuilt against the new version of the library through natural updates. Once everything has rebuilt, they remove the old library. That works, but you can see takes lots of organization, and has it’s own many issues, so MacPorts does not generally do that unless software can’t build against the new library version..
     7debian and other linux distros often leave behind the old library version, so nothing needs urgent rebuilding, but then builds gradually get rebuilt against the new version of the library through natural updates. Once everything has rebuilt, they remove the old library. That works, but you can see takes lots of organization, and has it’s own many issues, so MacPorts does not generally do that unless software can’t build against the new library version.
    99So you can either rebuild, or hold back updating isl until you are ready to rebuild if you like. Or given you are on PPC where rebuilding gcc is a week-long project, you can steal out the old isl libs, if the are standalone, and leave those behind like debian does for a while, but there are potholes there to avoid and you must know what you are doing!!