Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #64631, comment 5

Feb 11, 2022, 12:45:06 AM (3 years ago)
korria (Korri Anderson)


  • Ticket #64631, comment 5

    initial v1  
    11Replying to [comment:4 ryandesign]:
    2 The black window is normal. The software plots output from weather models. It works fine on x86_64, just not on my arm64.  I wonder if it is a gcc problem?
    4 > Replying to [ticket:64631 korria]:
    5 > > {{{
    6 > >    dlopen(/opt/local/lib/grads/libgxpCairo.dylib, 0x0001): symbol not found in flat namespace '_gxdXflush'
    7 > > }}}
    8 >
    9 > I also tried on macOS Catalina, where I do not see this problem.
    10 >
    11 > This is reminding me of #64448. In that case, "symbol not found in flat namespace" was happening when running cscope only on macOS Monterey, and only because the Portfile was running `strip` on the cscope executable after it was built. We fixed the problem by no longer running `strip`.
    12 >
    13 > In the case of grads I'm not sure whether the use of `strip` is involved. I see in my grads build log:
    14 > {{{
    15 > checking for strip... strip
    16 > }}}
    17 > {{{
    18 > checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
    19 > }}}
    20 > however I don't see whether any stripping is actually happening. (This may just be something all configure scripts check for.) If you can determine if stripping is happening, and if you can prevent it, maybe that will have an effect on this problem.
     2The black window is normal. The software plots output from weather models. It works fine on x86_64, just not on my arm64.
    224> Replying to [comment:3 ryandesign]: