Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #65518, comment 3

Jul 22, 2022, 3:00:11 PM (2 years ago)
cjones051073 (Chris Jones)


  • Ticket #65518, comment 3

    initial v1  
    11This is intentional.
    3 With the rpath migration upstream has started with gcc 10, 11 and 12, older versions can no longer be supported, due to the way we share the libgcc runtime across all gcc versions. Upstream have indicated they may port support back to some older gcc release, in due time, but until that happens we no longer can support gcc9 or older, on OSX 10.11 or newer, which are the OS version where gcc now relies on @rpath support.
     3With the rpath migration upstream has started with gcc 10, 11 and 12, older versions can no longer be supported, due to the way we share the libgcc runtime across all gcc versions. Upstream have indicated they may port support back to some older gcc releases, in due time, but until that happens we no longer can support gcc9 or older, on OSX 10.11 or newer, which are the OS version where gcc now relies on @rpath support.
    55You therefore need to migrate to a newer gcc version. If you have any ports using gcc9 variants, they will undoubtedly now have migrated to use a newer gcc variant by default, and you should uninstall any ports using gcc9 and reinstall with a newer variant.