Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #65561, comment 11

Jul 29, 2022, 2:05:40 PM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #65561, comment 11

    v4 v5  
    99Ryan, thank you for your last comment!  I checked the logs, and you are right.  The Apple clang compiler on my Mac running Lion does understand the `-stdlib` flag.  The code did compile but it failed to link due to missing symbols.  So I will need to add CXXFLAGS everywhere CPP is being used to link!  Duh!  I should have looked at the logs more carefully.
    11 And finally, I would be grateful if you could give me some advice regarding the homepage and master_sites.  The homepage for `unalz` has disappeared from the net.  But I can find in in the Wayback Machine.  So I could use that instead in the portfile.  But the link to the source is no longer available (even on the Wayback Machine).  I will keep looking for another website for the source code.  Alternatively, I could use the link to the source code at the Debian project.  (But then I will need to update the portfile accordingly since as you know Debian uses its own standardized format for source code filenames).  Or I could leave the portfile as is since Macports already has a copy of the source in its repos.
     11And finally, I would be grateful if you could give me some advice regarding the `homepage` and `master_sites`.  The homepage for `unalz` has disappeared from the net.  But I can find in in the Wayback Machine.  So I could use that instead in the portfile.  But the link to the source is no longer available (even on the Wayback Machine).  I will keep looking for another website for the source code.  Alternatively, I could use the link to the source code at the Debian project.  (But then I will need to update the portfile accordingly since as you know Debian uses its own standardized format for source code filenames).  Or I could leave the portfile as is since Macports already has a copy of the source in its repos.
    1313P.S.  For my further education, please explain your comment "add `-locale C` to tell `sed` to treat the file as ASCII".  How do you set the locale with `sed`.  I do not believe that `-locale` is a command line option for `sed`.