Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #65574

Jul 31, 2022, 5:22:08 PM (2 years ago)
atrigent (Ari Entlich)


  • Ticket #65574

    • Property Port vault added
    • Property Summary changed from Helm needs to be compiled from source in order to work properly on VPN to Multiple Go programs needs to be compiled from source with CGO enabled in order to work properly on VPN
  • Ticket #65574 – Description

    v4 v5  
    1 The official Helm builds for Mac, like those for many Go projects, do not do DNS resolution correctly. MacPorts needs to do its own build in order to provide a version that will work. Like all Kubernetes-related projects, Helm is very likely to be used in an enterprise setting where a VPN is being used, so this is pretty important.
     1The official builds of multiple Go programs for Mac do not do DNS resolution correctly, because they're built in a way that doesn't use the system DNS resolver. MacPorts needs to do its own build in order to provide a version that will work. Many of these programs are very likely to be used in an enterprise setting where a VPN is being used, so this is pretty important.
     3Ports that I know to be affected are: