Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #65773

Sep 5, 2022, 11:53:25 AM (2 years ago)
Gandoon (Erik Hedlund)


  • Ticket #65773 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 `exa @0.10.1_3+doc+git` ''and'' `@0.10.1_3+doc-git` fails to build on MacOS 10.15.7 (19H2026). Despite first suspecting this to be an issue with libgit2, which has been an obvious issue for a while now – I have had to remain at `libgit2 @1.3.0_1+threadsafe` due to `libgit2 @1.5.0_0+threadsafe` breaking the installed exa, calling for a rebuild which ultimately fails.
     1`exa @0.10.1_3+doc+git` ''and'' `@0.10.1_3+doc-git` fails to build on MacOS 10.15.7 (19H2026). Despite first suspecting this to be an issue with libgit2, which has been an obvious issue for a while now (see also recently closed [#65733]) – I have had to remain at `libgit2 @1.3.0_1+threadsafe` due to `libgit2 @1.5.0_0+threadsafe` breaking the installed exa, calling for a rebuild which ultimately fails.
    33Thus, I tested to build revision 3 with the new libgit2 (@1.5.0_0), the old (@1.3.0_1), and with the `-git` modifier, but either of these also resulted in a failed builds of revision 3. I enclose log files for the failed builds of the `+git` variant with with `libgit2 @1.3.0_1+threadsafe` and `libgit2 @1.5.0_1+threadsafe` active respectively. Finally, I also enclose the log for the failed `-git` variant build of revision 3, tried in an attempt to confirm that it was indeed libgit2 that broke the builds. But, as this ''also'' failed, there might be something else going on here that I can't really put my finger on at this point.