Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #66476, comment 24

Dec 16, 2022, 10:25:42 PM (22 months ago)


  • Ticket #66476, comment 24

    initial v1  
    3030That is highly subjective. IMO Safari is superior to Chromium, at least what I have just seen of it, with its residual "log in" crap, and Google failing to respect boundaries. They're both WebKit, anyway, but Safari's dress is better all around. I don't really like either Firefox's or Chrome's or Chromium's method of putting settings in the browser and all that crap on the Tool Bar and popups and nags. If you're going to make a native application, then make it native, use the native UI. Apple is annoying too, and getting more and more annoying, but I still think Safari has a better and simpler UI with easy to find defaults to change to "do nothing, show nothing automatically, don't suggest anything & don't track."
    32 I'm not a developer, but I actually did write one single application for my late sister years ago. She had bad surfing habits, and I was concerned for her getting robbed or getting her identity stolen. It was called, "Safari Reset," and it worked on Snow Leopard and Lion (maybe ML, too, haven't tried it). All it did was delete every Safari setting, all bookmarks, cookies, caches, everything that can change from a default fresh install it just removed. Took about half a second and relaunched Safari. Track that, Google. I really miss my sister... and Snow Leopard.
     32I'm not a developer, but I actually did write one single application for my late sister years ago. She had bad surfing habits, and I was concerned for her getting robbed or getting her identity stolen. It was called, "Safari Reset," and it worked on Snow Leopard and Lion (maybe ML, too, haven't tried it). All it did was delete every Safari setting, cookies, caches, everything that can change from a default fresh install it just removed, except bookmarks. Took about half a second and relaunched Safari. Track that, Google. I really miss my sister... and Snow Leopard.