Opened 18 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#67238 assigned defect

FreeCAD crashes on launch — at Initial Version

Reported by: elteck Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.8.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: FreeCAD


After installing FreeCAD, it crashes on opening:

This is what I see:

georgereitsma@Georges-MacBook-Pro-5 ~ % FreeCAD --debug

2023-04-14 11:47:10.475 FreeCAD[95677:204008] * Assertion failure in -[NSNib initWithContentsOfURL:], NSNib.m:65

2023-04-14 11:47:10.483 FreeCAD[95677:204008] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Deprecated in 10.8.'

* First throw call stack:


0 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff81ba161ba exceptionPreprocess + 242

1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007ff81b53c42b objc_exception_throw + 48

2 Foundation 0x00007ff81c8ebeb8 -[NSCalendarDate initWithCoder:] + 0

3 AppKit 0x00007ff81f0c8522 -[NSNib initWithContentsOfURL:] + 105

4 QtGui 0x000000011058f3cf _Z18qt_mac_loadMenuNibP16QCocoaMenuLoader + 751

5 QtGui 0x0000000110592955 _Z7qt_initP19QApplicationPrivatei + 2117

6 QtGui 0x00000001105fff48 _ZN19QApplicationPrivate9constructEv + 568

7 QtGui 0x00000001106001db _ZN12QApplicationC2ERiPPci + 91

8 FreeCAD 0x000000010d058c47 main + 3319

9 dyld 0x00007ff81b56941f start + 1903

) libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException

I'll attach the crash report generated

Change History (1)

Changed 18 months ago by elteck

Attachment: crash_report added

Crash report FreeCAD

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