Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Ticket #67672, comment 7

Jun 22, 2023, 1:11:37 PM (15 months ago)


  • Ticket #67672, comment 7

    v2 v3  
    11I think I don't understand something that seems obvious to you two. From what I barely understand, you mean that without performing any install_name_tool myself, qt5-qtwebengine cannot work if I link it to my app and try my app on another Mac where MacPorts is installed ? Do you consider MacPorts should be installed on the targeted computers ? Or am I completely missing something here ?
    3  Because I'm building an app that uses several libs that I installed with MacPorts and where I don't have any issues. I have, qt5, qt5webengine, poppler, ffmpeg, quazip5. Every one of these libs are correctly copied inside my app when I compile it. And I don't have to do anything for the libs to be correctly pointed (relative to inside the app), and it works on other MacBooks. Why this difference for qt5-qtwebengine libs is mainly what I don't understand.
     3Because I'm building an app that uses several libs that I installed with MacPorts and where I don't have any issues. I have, qt5, qt5webengine, poppler, ffmpeg, quazip5. Every one of these libs are correctly copied inside my app when I compile/macdeployqt it. And I don't have to do anything for the libs to be correctly pointed (relative to inside the app), and it works on other MacBooks. Why this difference for qt5-qtwebengine libs is mainly what I don't understand.