Opened 9 months ago

Last modified 9 months ago

#68285 closed defect

Maxima constantly fails to build on MacOS 13 and 14 — at Initial Version

Reported by: JohnBircham (John Bircham) Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.8.1
Keywords: Cc:
Port: p5-io-compress-brotli



sudo port install gnuplot +qt5 ... Building p5.34-io-compress-brotli Error: Failed to build p5.34-io-compress-brotli: command execution failed Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_perl_p5-io-compress-brotli/p5.34-io-compress-brotli/main.log for details. Error: Follow if you believe there is a bug. Error: Processing of port gnuplot failed ---> Some of the ports you installed have notes:

db48 has the following notes:

The Java and Tcl bindings are now provided by the db48-java and db48-tcl subports.

dbus has the following notes:

Startup items (named 'dbus-system, dbus-session') have been generated that will aid in starting dbus with launchd. They are disabled by default. Execute the following command to start them, and to cause them to launch at startup:

sudo port load dbus

gawk has the following notes:

readline support has been removed from gawk. If you need to run gawk interactively, install rlwrap:

sudo port install rlwrap

and run gawk using rlwrap:

rlwrap gawk ...

libpsl has the following notes:

libpsl API documentation is provided by the port 'libpsl-docs'.

py311-cython has the following notes:

To make the Python 3.11 version of Cython the one that is run when you execute the commands without a version suffix, e.g. 'cython', run:

port select --set cython cython311

python310 has the following notes:

To make this the default Python or Python 3 (i.e., the version run by the 'python' or 'python3' commands), run one or both of:

sudo port select --set python python310 sudo port select --set python3 python310

python311 has the following notes:

To make this the default Python or Python 3 (i.e., the version run by the 'python' or 'python3' commands), run one or both of:

sudo port select --set python python311 sudo port select --set python3 python311

Change History (1)

Changed 9 months ago by JohnBircham (John Bircham)

Attachment: main copy.log added


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