Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #68434

Oct 12, 2023, 7:51:54 AM (12 months ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Yes, this update needs to be done. The reason for my delay in doing so is this statement in the release notes of 2.13.0:

This new release brings you a completely updated and enhanced ftinspect demo program, which now combines the functionality of almost all other graphical FreeType demo programs into a single application based on the Qt framework.

Qt of course depends on FreeType, therefore in MacPorts we cannot have FreeType depending on Qt. I have not yet investigated what, if anything, is needed to tell FreeType not to attempt to build this new Qt-based demo program, even if Qt is installed.

Later on, if desired, we could offer that demo program in a subport which would depend on FreeType and Qt.


  • Ticket #68434

    • Property Owner set to ryandesign
    • Property Status changed from new to accepted
    • Property Summary changed from Update FreeType to latest version (currently 2.13.2) to freetype: Update to latest version (currently 2.13.2)
  • Ticket #68434 – Description

    initial v2  
    33I am wondering when FreeType may be updated to the latest version? The current MacPort installs 2.12.1 which is now over a year old. Scribus would benefit from using a more recent version aligned with the latest harfbuzz 8.2.1 as just released via MacPorts.
    5 thanks
     5thanks \\
    66Craig (Scribus)