Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #69428, comment 18

Aug 20, 2024, 4:14:53 AM (5 weeks ago)
jmroot (Joshua Root)


  • Ticket #69428, comment 18

    initial v1  
    1 I had a look at updating these and gave up before long because it became clear I didn't have the time to do it that day, as I suspect others have done before me. Unfortunately they are daunting even for experienced port authors. Just as one example, it looks like they could be simplified by using the official release tarballs instead of GitHub generated archives, but I don't know if the origin author had a good reason for doing it that way.
     1I had a look at updating these and gave up before long because it became clear I didn't have the time to do it that day, as I suspect others have done before me. Unfortunately these ports are daunting even for experienced port authors. Just as one example, it looks like they could be simplified by using the official release tarballs instead of GitHub generated archives, but I don't know if the original author had a good reason for doing it that way.