Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #70585, comment 14

Aug 25, 2024, 4:57:26 AM (4 weeks ago)


  • Ticket #70585, comment 14

    initial v1  
    11Hello Renee, I meant to report back yesterday about the results of changing the portfile to 'use_xcode no', but it's possible that I made a comment into the other thread #65107, by mistake. Inant event, it still failed.
    3 I also tried building the port - via another port for which py310-pyqt5-webengine is a dependency )py310-eric-ide) - on another machine running on Sonoma that I'd recently set MacPorts up on, so it had a relatively clean and sane environment to work in. The whole thing went without a hitch except that I had to install Xcode itself, the py310-pyqt5-webengine build sequence complaining that it required the full version of Xcode and please install it. Once downloaded and the EULA agreed to, that was fine too, and the whole project including the py31-pyqt5-webengine installed withoui further problems. (The fact that Eric6 failed to run, with a crash report, isn't relevant here as it was QScintilla that broke at run-time.)
     3I also tried building the port - via another port for which py310-pyqt5-webengine is a dependency )py310-eric-ide) - on another machine running on Sonoma that I'd recently set MacPorts up on, so it had a relatively clean and sane environment to work in. The whole thing went without a hitch except ('webengine' portfile left in its original state) that I had to install Xcode itself, the py310-pyqt5-webengine build sequence complaining that it required the full version of Xcode and please install it. Once downloaded and the EULA agreed to, that was fine too, and the whole project including the py31-pyqt5-webengine installed withoui further problems. (The fact that Eric6 failed to run, with a crash report, isn't relevant here as it was QScintilla that broke at run-time.)
    55That suggests a problem inside my ports install - I'm going to 'uninstall' everything in it and start again from scratch on the first machine (I doid the same with the sencond machine when the Erric IDE failed to run. iTerm2 was having run-time crashes as well - luckly for me I use Geany as a code editor, so this hasn't affected anything anything badly excpet for taking up time. Debugging practise isn't too much of a watse of time, though - up to a point!