
Version 2 (modified by krischik@…, 16 years ago) (diff)

prepare repository

The content of each ports "files" directory should be keept fairly small as it is kopied to every MacPort user harddrive. If larger patches - for example application bundles with icon files are supplied then they should be added to distfiles so they are only donwloaded by those user who are actualy installing the Port.

Setup Repository

First setup a PersonalSVNRepository to maintain the files. Inside your SVN Repository you should create a directory with the portfiles name and there you prepare the files for the port.

Then you create directory for you portfile inside the distfile area of the subversion repository:


svn mkdir --username ${User} -m"Create staging for ${Port}" ${Repository}/users/${User}/${Port}
svn mkdir --username ${User} -m"Create distfiles for ${Port}" ${Repository}/distfiles/${Port}

Replace userid and portid with your onw userid and the Port you are working on.