= Tips and Tricks for committers = This page provides some useful hints how to work with our infrastructure. And they can also make your work a lot easier. == Set svn properties automatically on new Portfiles == In the configuration for your Subversion client, enable automatic property setting and, for all files named Portfile, setting "svn:eol-style" to "native" and "svn:keywords" to "Id". If you are not using Subversion's own svn command-line client, see its documentation. For svn, you can make the appropriate changes by editing `~/.subversion/config` as follows: {{{ #!ini ... [miscellany] enable-auto-props = yes ... [auto-props] Portfile = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Id }}} == Create an experimental users directory in the MacPorts Subversion repository == Use the [/browser Trac Browser] to explore the MacPorts Subversion repository. The repository root is located at `https://svn.macosforge.org/repository/macports`. See also the explanation of [http://guide.macports.org/#development.local-repositories local development port trees] in the guide. To create a sandbox for experimental development, create a users directory: {{{ svn mkdir https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/users/ }}} Then, checkout the user directory (suggested location is ~/myports): {{{ $ svn co https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/users/ ~/myports }}} Then edit the MacPorts sources.conf file {{{/opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf}}} to add ~/myports to the list before the main rsync source at rsync.macports.org, e.g.: {{{ file:///Users//myports [nosync] }}} To work on a copy of a port from the MacPorts trunk, use `svn copy`. For example, to test changes on the cableswig port, copy the repository trunk (at the HEAD revision) into the user branch: {{{ $ svn mkdir ~/myports/devel $ svn copy https://svn.macosforge.org/repository/macports/trunk/dports/devel/cableswig ~/myports/devel/ }}} Another option for a large branch is to copy everything at the server side, where the copy is equivalent to a unix hard link in the file system; e.g.: {{{ $ svn mkdir https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/users//devel $ svn copy \ https://svn.macosforge.org/repository/macports/trunk/dports/devel/cableswig \ https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/users//devel/cableswig \ -m "experimental modifications to cableswig" $ cd ~/myports $ svn update }}} After the copy, run `portindex` in `~/myports` (do this anytime ports are added or removed from ~/myports), e.g.: {{{ $ cd ~/myports $ svn update $ portindex $ port file cableswig }}} Now make experimental changes to the port in the sandbox. Whenever a signficant change is made, note the change with a commit to the sandbox and when all the changes are complete commit the final change to the sandbox with a meaningful commit message. The main trunk Portfile and the sandbox Portfile are now out of sync. Someone may make changes to the main trunk Portfile while changes are made to the sandbox Portfile. Let's assume that all the experimental changes are successful, so the Portfile needs to be integrated back into the main trunk, where other changes may have occurred. This merge process requires a few steps. Let's assume there are checkouts for the sandbox in ~/myports and the trunk in ~/macports. First update the sandbox and the trunk checkouts, e.g.: {{{ cd ~/myports svn update cd ~/macports svn update }}} Note that the revision numbers should be the same (because the sandbox and the main trunk belong to the same svn repository). Next, find out where the experimental changes left off from the trunk and create a bash variable (any shell variable) to store the value of the revision number where the branch copy occurred (the revision number will be the last one in the log): {{{ cd ~/myports/devel/cableswig svn log --stop-on-copy Portfile EXP_BRANCH_REV=54362 }}} For the curious, leave off the `--stop-on-copy` to see the entire commit log history (it should all be there if there is a continuous and reliable use of svn to manage the file from it's "birth" in the svn repository). Now take a look at the commit log for the main trunk, to get some hints about what has changed to the file since the experimental branch was forked off. {{{ cd ~/macports/dports/devel/cableswig svn log Portfile | more }}} Look through the log to find the revision number where the experimental copy took place. If that is the first revision number in the log, there have been no changes in the trunk. Otherwise, changes have occurred in the trunk that are not in the experimental branch. There could be trunk changes that complement the experimental branch, or they may be in conflict. Try to merge all these changes using the revision number of the experimental copy: {{{ cd ~/macports/dports/devel/cableswig svn merge -r ${EXP_BRANCH_REV}:HEAD https://svn.macosforge.org/repository/macports/users//devel/cableswig/Portfile Portfile }}} Now resolve any conflicts, if any, in the trunk Portfile. All work continues in the trunk (until the next time a sandbox is required). Once the merge looks good, commit all the changes to the trunk with a meaningful commit message, {{{ cd ~/macports/dports/devel/cableswig svn commit "merged sandbox changes from ${EXP_BRANCH_REV}:HEAD back into trunk" Portfile }}} Finally, to have the port system revert to using the rsync distribution, it's possible to remove the sandbox port. No information is lost from the svn system, so removing the sandbox port is really harmless (in any case, all the changes are now back in the trunk). For example, {{{ sudo port clean --all cableswig cd ~/myports/devel svn remove cableswig svn commit -m "done with sandbox for cableswig" svn update cd ~/myports portindex }}} For more information about branches and merging, see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.branchmerge.html == Apply patches directly from Trac URL == === Installation === Add the following functions to your `.bashrc` in order to apply patches directly from Trac. {{{ #!sh function trac-get { local url=$1 local dir=$2 if [ -z $dir ]; then dir=. fi curl "$url?format=raw" --create-dirs -o $dir/$(basename $1) } function trac-patch { local cmd="" while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do if [ "$1" == "--" ]; then break fi cmd="$cmd $1" shift done if [ -z $cmd ]; then cmd="-p0" fi trac-get $1 patch $cmd < $(basename $1) } }}} === Usage === Use like this: 1. Copy the URL to the patch from the Trac ticket page 1. Switch to the ports directory {{{ $ cd $(port dir foo) }}} 1. Apply the patch {{{ $ trac-patch http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/.../Portfile.diff }}} You can also add options to `trac-patch` which will get passed through to the patch tool. This is especially useful when the patch needs another prefix level. {{{ $ trac-patch -p1 http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/.../Portfile.diff }}} If you don't add any option, `-p0` is used as a default. This should be the most common case. `trac-get` can also download to another directory. If the directory does not yet exist, it will be created. Just add a second parameter with the name of the directory. If you omit the second parameter, the current directory is used. {{{ $ trac-get http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/.../Portfile new-port }}} == Do Explorative Programming in tclsh with Readline Support == #explore tclsh does not offer readline support by itself, which is quite annoying. When writing portfiles or tinkering with changes to Macports base, I need to experiment in a Tcl shell all the time to tests small things. But for that, command history and Emacs-like navigation within the line are essential. Unfortunately tclsh does not offer this. You can also use Emacs’ tcl-mode: from within a tcl buffer, the tcl shell is just a {{{C-t}}} away. More info in [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_/search?S=emacs tcler’s wiki]. Solution: use port {{{rlwrap}}} together with tclsh. When you invoke tclsh via rlwrap you get all the convenience you know from bash. {{{ rlwrap tclsh }}} Or, put even an alias into ~/.bashrc {{{ alias tclsh='rlwrap tclsh' }}} and don't think about it ever again. If you want to test MacPorts Tcl extensions, you need to require the appropriate packages. For access to the 'strsed', 'reinplace', and other macport commands, put the following into ~/bin/macports_testing.tcl: {{{ package require macports set portarchivemode no mportinit #package require port package require Pextlib }}} [Note, Oct 2009] There may be a bug in the port 1.0 package, see http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2009-September/010132.html Then source the file in the Apple-supplied tclsh, i.e.: {{{ $ rlwrap /usr/bin/tclsh % source ~/bin/macports_testing.tcl /opt/local % strsed "foo" "s/f/m/" moo % }}} == Debugging Tcl scripts == #debugger Tcl scripts can be debugged with the `expect` tool, which provides a debugging interface similar to gdb for those who are familiar with that. For a command overview, just type `h` at the prompt. Run with: {{{ $ expect -D1 }}} For example: {{{ $ expect -D1 foo.tcl -bar 1: proc main {args} { ... dbg1.0> }}} == Portfile syntax highlighting == #syntax-highlighting * [BbeditLanguageModule BBEdit, TextWrangler] * [http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/contrib/mpvim/ vim] == Checksum tips == === Checksums for port updates === If you're updating a port's version and simply need the checksums for the new version, run the following while in the port's directory: {{{ $ port -v checksum ... The correct checksum line may be: checksums md5 1ca0cf40350913fa620f73cbd906378a \ sha1 2921531ece0eacb303b0c9a4978d0d050dcfd5d2 \ rmd160 6cacbcf37581b5e19fe9fe674dd7b0722f1a19de }}} You can then copy/paste the result into the Portfile. === A bash script for checksums === {{{ #!sh #!/bin/bash if [ -f "$1" ]; then basename $1 | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1 \\\/" md5 $1 | sed -e "s/^MD5.*=/md5/" | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1 \\\/" openssl sha1 $1 | sed -e "s/^SHA1.*=/sha1/" | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1 \\\/" openssl rmd160 $1 | sed -e "s/^R.*=/rmd160/" fi }}} For example, assume this is in ~/bin/macports_checksum.bash, then we get: {{{ $ macports_checksum.bash ~/Downloads/libpqxx-3.0.1.tar.gz libpqxx-3.0.1.tar.gz \ md5 23557f306821bf4cae39cca45acdf9e1 \ sha1 a37874511946ba340d5df2d92252177f9eb906f6 \ rmd160 1f842ea95ad6dd2cba2cdc2d2bd8e0be5063fb9b }}}