Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of CompilerEnvironmentVariables

Dec 8, 2019, 3:49:23 PM (5 years ago)
MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)



  • CompilerEnvironmentVariables

    v1 v2  
    2323To a limited extent, the behavior of compilers can also be controlled with [ environmental variables] instead of switches.
    2424||= Switch =||= Variable =||= Affect =||= Notes =||
    25 || `-I`, `-isystem` || CPATH || treated as a delimited list of paths to be added to the default system include path list || ||
     25|| `-I` || CPATH || treated as a delimited list of paths to be added to the default system include path list || ||
    2626|| `-L` || LIBRARY_PATH || tries the directories specified when searching for special linker files  || ||
    2727|| `-mmacosx-version-min` || MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET || the default deployment target  || ||
    3939* Setting CC_PRINT_OPTIONS causes `-v` to behave differently. For example, it breaks FindOpenMP in CMake.
    41 ||= Variable =||= Minimum Xcode Support =||= Minimun Clang Support =||= Minimum GCC Support =||
    42 || CPATH || ??? || ??? || ??? ||
    43 || LIBRARY_PATH || ??? || ??? || ??? ||
    44 || MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET || ??? || ??? || ??? ||
    45 || SDKROOT || ??? || ??? || [ version 9] ||
    46 || DEVELOPER_DIR || ??? || ??? || - ||
     41||= Variable =||= Xcode Support =||= Clang Support =||= GCC Support =||
     42|| CPATH || all except early versions of Clang (1.*) || all available on MacPorts || all available on MacPorts ||
     43|| LIBRARY_PATH || all except early versions of Clang (1.*) || all available on MacPorts || all available on MacPorts ||
     44|| MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET || all except early versions of Clang (1.*) || all available on MacPorts || all available on MacPorts ||
     45|| SDKROOT || OSX 10.9 (existence of /usr/lib/libxcselect.dylib) || ??? || [ version 9+] ||
     46|| DEVELOPER_DIR || OSX 10.9 (existence of /usr/lib/libxcselect.dylib) || ??? || - ||
    4747|| CC_PRINT_OPTIONS || ??? || ??? || ??? ||
    4848|| CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE || ??? || ??? || ??? ||