Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of CompilerSelection

Jan 28, 2020, 11:52:51 AM (5 years ago)
MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (Marcus Calhoun-Lopez)



  • CompilerSelection

    v7 v8  
    7878To implement it, [ MPICH] and [ Open MPI] provide wrappers for Clang, GCC, and Xcode.
    80 The compilers provided by Xcode only support [ thread-local storage] if the OS supports it, which did not happen until [ Mac OS X Lion].
     80The compilers provided by Xcode only support [ thread-local storage] if the OS supports it, which did not happen until [ Mac OS X Lion].\\
    8181GCC and Clang can emulate thread-local storage even on versions of macOS that do not support it.
     83=== Environment Variables ===
     84To a limited extent, the behavior of compilers can also be controlled with [ environment variables] instead of [ switches].\\
     85However, not all compilers support all environment variables.
     87||= Variable =||= Xcode Support =||= Clang Support =||= GCC Support =||
     88|| CPATH || Xcode 4.3 for Clang\\Apple clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.45 (based on LLVM 3.1svn);\\all GCC versions || all available from MacPorts || all available from MacPorts ||
     89|| LIBRARY_PATH || Xcode 4.4 for Clang\\Apple clang version 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-421.0.57) (based on LLVM 3.1svn);\\all GCC versions || all available from MacPorts || all available from MacPorts ||
     90|| MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET || all || all available from MacPorts || all available from MacPorts ||
     91|| SDKROOT || OSX 10.9 (existence of /usr/lib/libxcselect.dylib) || all available from MacPorts || [ version 7], [ version 8], [ version 9+] ||
     92|| DEVELOPER_DIR || OSX 10.9 (existence of /usr/lib/libxcselect.dylib) || N/A || N/A ||
     93|| CC_PRINT_OPTIONS || all || all available from MacPorts || all available from MacPorts ||
     94|| CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE || all || all available from MacPorts || all available from MacPorts ||
     96See CompilerEnvironmentVariables for descriptions of the environment variables.
    8398=== C++ Standard Library ===