= GitHub Migration FAQ = [[PageOutline(2-4,,inline)]] == Why == See [https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2016-August/033405.html Ryan's announcement email]. == Git == #git === How can I use Git for my ports tree? === #portstree See the [[howto/SyncingWithGit|"Syncing with Git" HOWTO]]. == GitHub == #github === Where can I find the MacPorts source now? === #repositories As part of the migration, we have split our monolithic Mac OS Forge repository into smaller repositories on GitHub. The [https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MoveToGit/UsingSvn2Git svn2git] rules used for the conversion are available on [https://github.com/neverpanic/macports-svn2git-rules/blob/master/gitconversion.rules Clemens Lang's GitHub]. ||= Mac OS Forge =||= GitHub ("master" branch unless otherwise noted) || trunk/base || [https://github.com/macports/macports-base macports-base.git] || trunk/base/portmgr/jobs || [https://github.com/macports/macports-infrastructure/tree/master/jobs macports-infrastructure.git, "jobs" directory] || trunk/doc || [https://github.com/macports/macports-guide/tree/doc-old macports-guide.git, "doc-old" branch] || trunk/doc-new || [https://github.com/macports/macports-guide macports-guide.git] || trunk/dports || [https://github.com/macports/macports-ports macports-ports.git] || trunk/dports/PortIndex* || //deleted// || trunk/www || [https://github.com/macports/macports-www macports-www.git] || contrib || [https://github.com/macports/macports-contrib macports-contrib.git] || contrib/MacPorts_Framework || [https://github.com/macports/pallet/tree/master/MacPorts_Framework pallet.git, "MacPorts_Framework" directory] || contrib/Pallet || [https://github.com/macports/pallet/tree/master/Pallet pallet.git, "Pallet" directory] || contrib/buildbot || [https://github.com/macports/macports-infrastructure/tree/buildbot-mpab/buildbot macports-infrastructure.git, "buildbot-mpab" branch, "buildbot" directory] || contrib/buildbot-test || [https://github.com/macports/macports-infrastructure/tree/master/buildbot macports-infrastructure.git, "buildbot" directory] || contrib/mp-buildbot || [https://github.com/macports/mpbb mpbb.git] || contrib/mpab || [https://github.com/macports/mpbb/tree/mpab mpbb.git, "mpab" branch] || users/* || //separate repository at macports/macports-user-*.git// || users/{dluke,jberry,pipping} || //deleted (exceeds GitHub size limit, only contains old files)// || branches/* || //branch of the appropriate repository// || distfiles/* || //deleted// || downloads/* || //deleted// || tags/* || //annotated tag in the appropriate repository// [https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository Cloning URLs and GitHub Desktop links] are available on each repository's GitHub page. === I am a MacPorts developer. How do I get commit privileges for the repositories on GitHub? === #commitbit Only members of [https://github.com/macports our GitHub organization] have push access to our repositories. To join, send the following email to [mailto:macports-infra@lists.macports.org?subject=Please%20invite%20me%20to%20MacPorts%20on%20GitHub&body=Handle:%20 macports-infra@lists.macports.org]: {{{ Subject: Please invite me to MacPorts on GitHub Handle: }}} A member of the infrastructure team will send a GitHub invitation to `@macports.org`. After following the invitation's instructions to join the organization, your GitHub account will have push access. Finally, add your GitHub username to the [[MacPortsDevelopers|list of developers]]. == Trac == #trac === How can I associate my old tickets with my new Trac account? === #oldtickets Your account on our new Trac site inherits reporter/owner/Cc status for the email addresses in your GitHub account. If you notice that some of your tickets or Cc's have not been migrated, you should [https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-email-address-to-your-github-account add the relevant email address(es) to your GitHub account] and log out of Trac. Shortly after you log back in, a periodic job will notice the newly added email addresses and perform the migration. === I am a MacPorts developer and could edit tickets on the old Trac. How can I do so on the new one? === #ticketprivileges Only members of the [https://github.com/orgs/macports/teams/developers "Developers" team] within our GitHub organization can edit tickets on the new Trac site. - If you are not yet a member of the organization, [#commitbit request to join]. The member of the infrastructure team who handles your request will add you to the "Developers" team. - If you are already a member of the organization but still cannot edit tickets, contact macports-infra@lists.macports.org.