| 1 | = List of KF5 frameworks (and their additional dependencies) = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | KF5 builds have been successfully done so far for these projects: |
| 4 | {{{ |
| 5 | Additional dependencies (referred to as "Tier 0"): |
| 6 | - extra-cmake-modules |
| 7 | - phonon |
| 8 | |
| 9 | Tier 1 frameworks: |
| 10 | - attica |
| 11 | - kapidox |
| 12 | - karchive |
| 13 | - kcodecs |
| 14 | - kconfig |
| 15 | - kcoreaddons |
| 16 | - kdbusaddons |
| 17 | - kdnssd |
| 18 | - { kglobalaccel } |
| 19 | - kguiaddons |
| 20 | - ki18n |
| 21 | - kidletime |
| 22 | - kimageformats |
| 23 | - kitemmodels |
| 24 | - kitemviews |
| 25 | - kplotting |
| 26 | - kwidgetsaddons |
| 27 | - { kwindowsystem } |
| 28 | - solid |
| 29 | - sonnet |
| 30 | - threadweaver |
| 31 | |
| 32 | Tier 2 frameworks: |
| 33 | - kauth |
| 34 | - kcompletion |
| 35 | - { kcrash } |
| 36 | - kdoctools |
| 37 | - kjobwidgets |
| 38 | - { kpty } |
| 39 | - kunitconversion |
| 40 | |
| 41 | Tier 3 frameworks: |
| 42 | [ATTENTION: the build order matters here] |
| 43 | - kconfigwidgets |
| 44 | - kservice |
| 45 | - kiconthemes |
| 46 | - ktextwidgets |
| 47 | - kxmlgui |
| 48 | - kcmutils |
| 49 | - kbookmarks |
| 50 | - { kdesu } |
| 51 | - kemoticons |
| 52 | - knotifications |
| 53 | - kwallet |
| 54 | - kio |
| 55 | - kdeclarative |
| 56 | - kactivities |
| 57 | - kparts |
| 58 | - kdewebkit |
| 59 | - kinit |
| 60 | - kmediaplayer |
| 61 | - knewstuff |
| 62 | - knotifyconfig |
| 63 | - ktexteditor |
| 64 | - kdesignerplugin |
| 65 | - kded |
| 66 | - plasma-framework |
| 67 | |
| 68 | Tier 4: |
| 69 | - frameworkintegration |
| 70 | |
| 71 | Porting aids: |
| 72 | - kjs |
| 73 | - kdelibs4support |
| 74 | - kjsembed |
| 75 | - khtml |
| 76 | - kross |
| 77 | - krunner |
| 78 | |
| 79 | Meta-project including tiers 1-4 + porting aids: |
| 80 | - kf5umbrella |
| 81 | }}} |
| 82 | |
| 83 | Curly brackets in the above lists mark frameworks marked on [http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/ KDE's official API page] as having problems on MacOSX, since plasma won't be running for now. |
| 84 | |
| 85 | Having the very compact [http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:KDE/Frameworks#kdelibs Gentoo's Project:KDE/Frameworks wiki page] around turned out to be very helpful while building the above KDE frameworks manually. More info is found on [http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/ KDE's official API page] and the above lists have been aligned with it: nice dependency graphs for every framework can be found there by clicking the "Dependencies" link on each frameworks page, some more (overview) graphs are [http://agateau.com/2013/12/05/kf5-diagrams/ here]. |