
Version 10 (modified by mkae (Marko Käning), 10 years ago) (diff)

update list of projects (added many kdegames)

KF5 software beyond the basic frameworks

Important projects are e.g. KDevelop, KMyMoney, but also KDE-EDU applications on their route to KF5 can serve as good test cases. This is referred to as "Tier 5":

 - kdesupport-svn
 - kio-extras
 - kde-cli-tools
 - khelpcenter (%)
 - kate (+)
 - libkomparediff2
 - kfilemetadata (6)
 - kdevplatform (10)
 - kinfocenter (%)
 - kdevelop (.) (10)
 - okteta  (o)
 - qca
 - konversation (%, 12)
 - konsole ($)
 - akonadi
 - alkimia (needs port gmp installed)
 - prison (needs ports qrencode and "libdmtx -x11" [which pulls also these in: ImageMagick djvulibre fftw-3 fontconfig freetype ghostscript jbig2dec lcms2 urw-fonts webp]) 
 - kmymoney (=1)
 - kde-baseapps (2?)
 - systemsettings (?)
 - trojita (7)
 - ark (?)
 - sflphone-kde (?)
 - ark (?)
 - kcalc (*)
 - muon (?)
 - plasmate (?)
 - kpackage (?)
 - qtcurve (?)
 - kapptemplate (?)
 - breeze (?)
 - kompare (?)
 - ksshaskpass (?)
 - kteatime (?)
 - yakuake (?)
 - kwrited (?)
 - oxygen (?)

KDE games:
 - libkdegames
 - bovo (*)
 - libkmahjongg
 - kmahjongg (?)
 - granatier (?)
 - kdiamond (?)
 - killbots (?)
 - ktuberling (?)
 - klines (?)
 - kbounce (?)
 - knavalbattle (?)
 - kmines (?)

KDE edu:
 - libkdeedu (§)
 - libkeduvocdocument
 - analitza
 - kalgebra (!)
 - step (.)
 - kgeography (%)
 - kig (*)
 - kanagram (.)
 - parley (x)
 - kstars (*, needs port eigen3 installed)
 - kqtquickcharts
 - marble (?)
 - pairs (?)
 - khangman (?)
 - kiten (?)
 - kmplot (?)
 - klettres (?)
 - cantor (?)
 - kbruch (?)
 - kwordquiz (?)

 - gcompris (h)

 - artikulate (3)
 - kdepimlibs (4)
 - rocs (9)ror
 - plasma-mediacenter (6)
 - skrooge (11, 12)
 - lskat (0)
 - palapeli (0)
 - kreversi (0)
 - ksirk (12)
 - kturtle (0)

Unneeded on OSX (tried just for the fun of it):
 - kwin (a)
 - libkscreen (a)
 - kde-runtime (a,b)
 - ktp-common-internals (c)
 - libksysguard (d)
 - khotkeys (e)
 - kmenuedit (e)
 - milou (f)
 - powerdevil (f)
 - baloo (g)
 - xapian


NOTE 1: Many applications throw QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", ... ) errors which might be due to the lack of proper search paths for Qt. This is WIP.

NOTE 2: Currently DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is globally to be set for phonon DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/kde/install/darwin/mavericks/clang/kf5-qt5/kdesupport/phonon/phonon/inst/lib

(%) starts, but unsuccessfully tries to fire up DrKonqi, then keeps running but is not showing sensible content, main menu missing
(+) application has to be started with "QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster" (b.k.o. issue 337140)
(.) exits because of an ASSERT
(o) throws QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", ... )
($) does not start because it can't find dbus atm, i.e. exits gracefully
(=) crashes at startup although with and without setting raster graphics
(§) according to PovAddictW not very much useful in there anymore these days (kalgebra doesn't need it)
(!) application can actually be executed successfully
(*) crashes because some config files can't be found
(x) starts, but some config files can't be found
(?) starting application still untested

(0) not ported yet
(1) kmymoney has some (temporally) optional frameworks
(2) needs fixing spaces in DTD path (see also patch regarding docbook DTD)
(3) Qt5GStreamer needed
(4) build failure due to kdepimlibs/akonadi
(6) projects have problems locating taglib properly
(7) needs manual build using with additional option(e.g. '--variation ZLibOnly')
(8) fails building because OSX is using clang
(9) fails building because due to boost version 1.56
(10) needs external project grantlee
(11) problem with finding headers of framework qca
(12) functional QCA for KF5 missing

(a) FWs require Qt5X11Extras, although it is switched off in global configuration using -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11=ON
(b) kde-runtime is not needed, since its functionality is currently getting ported into other KF5 FWs step by step
(c) ktp-common-internals requires TelepathyQt5
(d) libksysguard is broken (see also this)
(e) need libksysguard
(f) needs baloo
(g) needs xapian
(h) no sound