= KDE problems = == Why this page? == This page was initiated by a PM discussion regarding [http://randa-meetings.ch/2014/02/19/randa-meetings-2014-the-date-is-set-please-register Randa participation] of MacPorts developers. It shall serve as a place to highlight certain KDE-related tickets which need special attention in order to bring KDE's integration on MacPorts forward. Special maintainer/developer information - which is not covered in the [wiki:KDE KDE wiki page] - could be gathered here. == Tickets for specific KDE issues == ''NOTE: We could use some unique tags in order to highlight specific topics. [[BR]] See e.g. ticket search query entitled as 'Tickets marked with tag "KDE" (somewhat outdated)' '' === Tickets for KDE show stopper === [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=261509 261509] meinproc4: crash with segfault on Mac OS X === Tickets for KDE build system (cmake) === [[TicketQuery(component=ports&order=id&desc=1&status!=closed&port=cmake)]] === Issues at [https://bugreports.qt-project.org Qt's bug tracker] === [https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-19873 19873] problems being able to start a debug version of a KDE application (here KMyMoney) [[BR]] [https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-32943 32943] warning about nested modal dialog sessions on OS X 10.9 Mavericks === Minor issues at [https://bug.kde.org KDE's bug tracker] === [https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316404 316404] KDE's about-dialog glitch regarding scrolling in TextEdit fields might be caused by Qt 4.8.5 and should be fixed in current master 4.8.6 === Tickets marked with tag "KDE" (somewhat outdated) === [[TicketQuery(component=ports&order=id&desc=1&status!=closed&keywords=~KDE)]]