== Source == To be removed once all major points in this email are covered. {{{ From: john_owens@yahoo.com Subject: my first port - how to Date: 10 December 2006 08:48:13 EST To: macports-users@lists.macosforge.org Greetings, I'm attempting to write my first port. Writing the portfile is not too difficult, as there's lots of good examples. However, actually making it install is a lot tougher. I am making it work by: - adding the portfile in the right place in /opt/local - changing the portindex file to add the port info manually (and making up a number for it) However, these things seem really kludgey. Is it not possible to have a local portfile somewhere and install it using a command line "port" command? That would seem much better, but I can't find any documentation on how that's done. (For instance, there's a local "~/.portsrc" file? but I can't find any docs on it.) I think this is the sort of thing that really ought to be on the wiki - the barrier to entry of adding a portfile is really very high, and a short guide would be helpful. What it should say: - "So you've written a Portfile. Here's how you test it locally." - "Here's how you prevent it from being clobbered when you selfupdate." - "Here's where you put it if you're testing it locally, and want to leave it local for a while." - "Your Portfile is awesome. It works. Here's how to add it to the MacPorts repository." - "... and here's how you update it." - "Your Portfile probably has lots of dependencies. Here's how you tell what they are." - "Here are naming conventions for ports." etc. Especially the first one right now would be very useful for me. JDO }}} === Comments from boeyms@ === I intend to get this written up properly some day, but in the meantime: ==== Updating a port when you're not a committer, or when it's not your port ==== * Set up an account on http://www.macports.org/ if you have not already done so. Follow the "'''Register'''" link on any MacPorts page (it appears visually in the top right corner). * Go to the [https://svn.macosforge.org/projects/macports/report Bug Reports page] (you will be asked to log in if you have not done so already) and follow the "New Ticket" link (or [https://svn.macosforge.org/projects/macports/newticket go there directly]). * Fill out the ticket in accordance with the guidelines in TracTicketing; note the fact that, as of this writing (6 May 2007), notification of a new ticket is ''not'' automatically sent to the assignee of a ticket, so you will need to put the assignee's address into the Cc: field by hand. As mentioned in TracTicketing, also add at least your own email address to the Cc: field so that you are notified about any comments on or changes to the ticket. * Preview your ticket (you won't be able to change its content after submission, only append to it), and then submit it if you are satisfied. * '''Attachments:''' you can add or replace these ''after'' the ticket has been submitted by using the "Attach File" button on the ticket once it has been created. ==== Determining the dependencies of a port ==== * A very useful, though not foolproof, technique is to invoke port with the "-t" flag; this will activate the "trace" mode, in which Macports will tell you, after successfully completing each of the stages it goes through: * if it thinks there are any undeclared dependencies at that stage; * if it thinks there are any unused dependencies at that stage; * if any attempts were made to write to files outside of the "sandbox" areas used for fetching patching, configuring, building, testing and destrooting. * Some ways in which the trace mode can be fooled are: * if you have the {{{sysutils/coreutils}}} port installed, ports that use configure scripts produced by GNU Autoconf will detect and use the "{{{ginstall}}}" or "{{{install}}}" executable that {{{sysutils/coreutils}}} installs into {{{${prefix}/bin}}}, and trace mode will declare coreutils as an undeclared dependency in the configure stage. This is (almost certainly) false, as the system-provided {{{/usr/bin/install}}} will work just fine.